A Letter from Our CEO

Welcome to the QM Staffing Group! Whether you’re in search of your next temporary assignment, in search of a new opportunity, or looking to fill your vacancies—you’re in the right place.

Nearly 20 years ago, I had an extreme desire to make a greater impact in the healthcare industry. Originally, I became a nurse to fulfill that desire.
Over time, things changed.

I loved helping others and being a nurse, but I desired a greater impact.

After losing my nursing job, I decided to take a huge leap of faith and I started my first healthcare staffing firm.

We opened a few weeks after hurricanes Katrina and Rita flooded the Gulf Coast. Many of our initial clients and team members were healthcare organizations and professionals who were displaced or impacted by the storm.

It was during those times that the values and principles of our organization were solidified. I never imagined such a devastating catastrophe would change the trajectory of my career & life’s mission. I watched countless professionals and facilities working tirelessly around the clock to take care of others.

My heart was forever changed & my mission was solid.

I want to build a bridge for qualified professionals and qualified facilities.

I want to be their staffing solution.

The QMStaffing Group didn’t want to build a company based on the number of warm bodies we could send out on assignments. We wanted to be known for the “quality” of our work, our integrity, our principles, and our commitment to our clients and team.

Throughout the years, there have been many professionals and facilities who have helped us live up to our name as an organization.

We are QM Staffing Group.

We run our organization with the intention to be a solution. We want to make a difference. We understand our job doesn’t end with making a successful placement or hiring a new employee. Our job extends to the hands that will take care of someone’s loved one. We don’t take that lightly. I don’t take that lightly.

As the visionary of QM Staffing Group, my continued commitment is to unite Qualified professionals with Quality Clients while maintaining Quality standards.

I remain grateful and humble to serve as leader of the QM Staffing Group!

Thank you for being here.

Nicole Caillier, Visionary